Helping smart people tell
better stories.
Be seen. Be heard. Be unforgettable.

What you say and more so HOW you say it drives your success.
Hi! I’m Katrina.
A wife, a mom, and an Emmy award-winning journalist and TV personality who knows the world is waiting to fall in love with your story.
"Katrina Cravy's energy was contagious! She shared stories in a vivid manner that landed her key points. She was the perfect speaker for our employee event!"
MGICPremier Private Mortgage Insurance 
When you are responsible for bringing in $5 Billion dollars to the community, you know your team has to sell a winning message with every media interview. Trust me when I say, Katrina should be your media trainer!
VISIT Milwaukee 
Katrina spoke to us about personal brand and having it BE your ‘truth.’ Her personal stories resonated with everyone in the room and provided “AHA” moments. Katrina’s charisma truly had everyone leaving inspired!
Pam StaterGE Healthcare Women’s Network 
To say that our audience loved her would be an understatement. In fact, for the first time in WCTC Small Business Center history, 100% of all attendees rated Katrina a “5” on a scale of 1 – 5! We would highly recommend Katrina to any organization looking for a dynamic, inspirational and powerful speaker. She will not disappoint!
Russ RobertsManager - WCTC Small Business Center 